Find out tips and information on dentistry and maintaining your oral health in our blog.
Posted on: 12 January, 2021
If you want to replace one or more missing teeth, you might be considering dental implants as a long-term alternative to a fixed bridge or removable denture.
Dental implants have been widely used by dentists in Australia for decades, and the procedure has a very high success rate when it'.....
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Posted on: 04 December, 2020
If you or your family like to indulge over the Christmas period, gaining weight isn't the only consequence you should be aware of. Sweet snacks, festive drinks and other holiday hazards can all take their toll on your teeth, and a toothache is often the first sign that something's wrong.
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Posted on: 02 November, 2020
The four wisdom teeth are the last teeth to develop at the back of the mouth. They usually erupt in a person's late teen years to early twenties, though not everyone gets them.
Most wisdom teeth don't cause problems, beyond some discomfort, but wisdom tooth problems are still common. If an.....
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Posted on: 06 October, 2020
If you or your kids need to improve your oral hygiene, swapping your manual toothbrush for a powered toothbrush could help. An electric toothbrush with a rotating head can make it easier to clean your teeth and gums, as long as you know how to use it properly.
If you've never used an elect.....
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Posted on: 07 September, 2020
Crooked, misaligned or 'buck' teeth can affect your appearance, but that's not the only reason why so many Australian teens and adults choose orthodontic treatments to straighten their smiles.
Properly aligned teeth have both aesthetic and functional advantages. Straight teeth are easier t.....
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Posted on: 03 August, 2020
Along with regular brushing, flossing and dental check-ups, cutting down on free sugars (the sugar added to food and drink by manufacturers) is one of the best things you can do to keep your teeth and gums healthy. So how much sugar is too much?
The recommended daily sugar intake, accordin.....
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Posted on: 10 July, 2020
Public understanding of good oral hygiene is better than it used to be, but tooth decay is still a major health concern in Australia, especially when it comes to children.
Tooth decay (also known as dental caries) is a disease of the mouth that involves the loss of mineral from teeth. Over.....
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Posted on: 10 June, 2020
Teeth don't have to be gleaming white to be healthy, but having off-white or yellow teeth can make people feel unhappy with their appearance.
If you're concerned about your tooth colour, your dentist is the best person to talk to. They can give you advice about how to avoid stains and impr.....
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Posted on: 10 May, 2020
While more than half of Australians follow dentists' recommendations to brush their teeth twice a day, only 17 percent say they floss regularly, according to a survey by the Australian Dental Association.
If you've been treating flossing as an optional extra, you could be at higher risk of.....
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Posted on: 10 April, 2020
If you have a gap in your teeth, there are more reasons to consider filling it than just appearances.
As well as making some people feel self-conscious about their smiles, missing teeth may also affect your ability to eat normally, which could affect your diet and nutrition.
The surroundin.....
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