The Child Dental Benefits Schedule Gold Coast

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Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Child Dental Benefits Schedule

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a $2.7 billion measure that will provide a Commonwealth funded capped benefit entitlement for basic dental services for children.

Around 3.4 million children aged 2-17 in families who meet a means test will be eligible for benefits each year. This means test will be the same as the previous Medicare Teen Dental Plan (MTDP), which requires receipt of Family Tax Benefit Part A or other certain government payments.

Mother and child

What Treatment is Included in the Program?

Services for basic dental treatment, such as check-ups, x-rays, fillings and extractions will be included in the CDBS. High end services, such as orthodontic treatment are not included. The total benefit entitlement will be capped at $1,132 per child over a two year period, however eligibility will need to be determined.

How Do I Know if I am Eligible for the CDBS?

The Australian Government wrote to eligible children or their families in early 2014 to confirm eligibility.

Mother and child

Eligibility is determined each calendar year however funds are valid for two calendar years. A child is eligible if they are aged 2–17 years for at least 1 day of the calendar year, are eligible for Medicare and are either part of a family receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A or one of the following Australian Government payments:

  • Youth Allowance
  • Disability Support Pension
  • Parenting Payment
  • Special Benefit
  • Carer Payment
  • Double Orphan Pension
  • Veteran’s Children Education Scheme, if the child is 16 or over
  • Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme, if the child is 16 or over

You should ensure that your details are up to date if you think you or your child may be eligible.

  • To update your details with Medicare, phone the patient helpline on 132 011.
  • For FTB-A matters, phone Centrelink on 136 150.

To learn more, please contact us or visit the Department of Health's website here.

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Are you ready to talk to a dentist on the Gold Coast? Call our friendly team on (07) 5575 9100 or contact us online for any enquiries or to book an appointment at Robina Town Dental.

Bulk Billing Dentists Robina (CDBS)

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule is an Australian Government initiative providing $1,095 of free dental benefits to eligible children.

$150 New Patient Examination ONLY

This package includes:
1 clinical exam,
2 intraoral radiographs/OPG.
BUPA and HCF Preferred (Covered)

$295 New Patient Examination and professional clean

This package includes:
1 clinical exam, 2 intraoral images/OPG if required, and a professional scale and clean with our dentist or oral health therapist.

Regular 6monthly check and clean current patients (not new patients)

Adult clean - $205.80
Fluoride optional - charged at health fund only.
BUPA and HCF Preferred (Covered)

Patient Satisfaction Survey

We’d love to hear how your experience was at Robina Town Dental and any feedback to help improve your experience. This survey is completely confidential.

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